Sunday, February 10, 2019

The Taste Of Nostalgia

I grew up in Calcutta, err, Kolkata. Down the road from my house, there was this delectable little bakery shop called, Kookie Jar. It was the highlight of my week – laboring through tasks like school and tuitions to reach the day I would be able to sink my teeth into the creamy, soft, mouth watering bite of the Chocolate Pyramid, and over time, even the Chocolate Swiss Roll. When that weekly day arrived – that was all I could think of; the build up to the moment of eating was all encompassing. As I ate it, I slowly savoured each bite and when it was done – it lingered on for sometime – kind of like a moment of taste filled bliss that lasted the day. The longing coming back the next day – and the slow wait begins again, hovering in the back of the mind as one went through the week. As I grew up, it became my go to place, an instant uplift when I was low, my mental escape when things were stressful and my treat to myself for a job well done. As I moved out of the city, it was the one thing I looked out for – if anyone going back to Kolkata, friends, family, even the girlfriend – my standard one liner “Can you please carry back some Choc Swiss Roll” and I would do whatever it takes to pick it up! Honestly, sometimes I couldn’t even hide the excitement and the reason behind it – less about meeting the person and more about the pastries – am sure it was not hidden to them but were kind enough to oblige. It was bliss even then just to taste it again – and when I met friends from Kolkata we bonded over how there is just nothing like KJ. Having travelled and tried a Chocolate pastry almost everywhere I went; I unabashedly declared it was the best bakery in India, if not the world.

And one day I did the never before – I shared a bite with someone. Ok, so don’t get me wrong, I am not very selfish, and I like to share things. But with dessert, and certainly Kookie Jar, I just couldn’t bring myself to miss even one bite of that heavenly creation. But one day, in a moment of generosity, I did. And he looked at it, slowly bit it and said ‘Nice’. What!!?? Nice. That’s all you have to say? Have you ever tasted anything so divine. He said, not the same type, but yes I have had equally delicious desserts – different but delicious. I felt cheated, I remember, betrayed, that he react like this to my favourite dessert, and that too, when I shared from my small portion of 4 pastries. And, over the years, as my ability to wolf down four pastries in a few hours went down, forcing me to offer some to others, including my wife – it was the same reaction. Infact, my wife did like Kookie Jar, but something entirely different, the Lemon Tart.

And it slowly started to dawn on me, that maybe, just maybe, it was not as delicious as I believe. But what could be the difference – they admitted it was delicious, just not the best. What was the factor making the difference. And then it struck me, the feeling eating it brings to me – is a feeling you can get only when you have grown up with it. Its authentic taste and the good feelings it brings along with it. That taste, one I am getting now even as I write it, is real, its stored in the memories of my taste glands – is perhaps the Taste of Nostalgia – and I guess that’s why I no longer waste time trying to convince anyone on how good it is. My wife has learnt not to express any comparative opinion about it, and happily enjoy her Lemon Tart. And for the idiots who have dared to dislike it, or are the types who say no to dessert and promptly dig into one when its on the table, its one thing they are never offered. ‘Coz have learnt, like so many things, the taste experience too is subjective. And subjectively speaking, they're just idiots.

Taste Experience formulas for favourite food
Taste Experience formula (for solo consumption) – The actual taste + The taste of the feelings it brings
Taste Experience formula (for group consumption) – The actual taste + The taste of the feelings it brings – gut wrenching feeling of muted reactions/low excitement levels


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